Thursday, May 20, 2010


Well I have the longhorn drawn on the canvas, but have been inspired to work on the "sunroom dressage horse"!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Another painting

It seems as if I have been slacking lately!! But now have inspiration for 2 new paintings. The first is a dressage horse that I photographed this past winter, I am putting it on a 24" x 30" box canvas, he is chestnut in color and I have decided to paint him on yellow. I may have to call it my "sunroom painting"!!

The second painting I haven't yet photographed, so I will add it tomorrow. It is a Longhorn! I have been back and forth in my mind on background color, green or red? My first instinct was to put it on an red/orange background and I am thinking I will stick with that.